School Counselors
Elementary School Counselors
The Gulfport School District provides school counselors at each of the District's elementary schools. School counselors spend most of their time in direct service and contact with students. The Gulfport School District Elementary Counseling Program seeks:
To provide assistance to all students with their social, emotional, and intellectual growth;
To provide developmentally appropriate individual, small group, and classroom lessons for students regarding social, emotional, personal, family, behavioral, or peer difficulties, which are interfering with their educational or personal growth;
To provide support for teachers with students receiving special educational services;
To provide teachers, parents, and students with referral resources in various areas such as: child development, academic abilities, parenting challenges, outside counseling services, grief and loss, family change and dynamics, suicide awareness, and various other mental health issues;
Assist with the formulation of the IEP (individual educational plan) and coordinate counseling services recommended;
Assist parents, teachers, and students with the use and interpretation of test results and student records; and
Maintain confidentiality at all times, unless a “need to know” situation arises. During that time, the counseling will collaboratively work with the principal, teachers, parents, and students regarding the well-being of the student.
For more information please feel free to call:
Anniston Avenue Elementary School Counselor
Bayou View Elementary School Counselor
Central Elementary School Counselor
28th Street Elementary School Counselor
Pass Road Elementary School Counselor
West Elementary School Counselor
Middle School Counselors
In the Gulfport School District, the middle school counselors work closely with parents, faculty and students to oversee and support the social/emotional/academic growth of students in grades 6, 7, and 8. The counseling role is not to provide long-term psychotherapy, rather, it is to actively participate in student life to encourage awareness of self and others, with empathy, compassion and respect. These objectives are met through classes, small group interactions, private counseling, and consultation.
In the Gulfport School District, the middle school counselors’ role is never disciplinary; rather, it is to provide input to faculty, administrators and parents regarding the developmental needs of students. The counselor is available to all students on a drop-in basis and meets regularly with the administrative team and faculty. Parents may consult with the counselor about the particular needs of their child and to request referrals for outside support and evaluation. The middle school counselors may meet with any student during the school year, as the need arises, and will be in contact with parents as necessary.
Finally, the middle school counselors in the Gulfport School District work with families whose student has an identified learning differences to consult, make referrals, disseminate appropriate, needed information to the teaching team and to oversee students needing accommodations in the classroom.
For more information please feel free to call:
Bayou View Middle School Counselors
Gulfport Central Middle School Counselors
High School Counselors
At Gulfport High School, the counselors are committed to helping all students achieve academic, social, and personal growth. School counselors are available for all students to assist with college/career exploration, personal/social conflicts, mental health needs, schedule changes, and other school-related needs. Students are assigned to a counselor alphabetically by last name and are encouraged to visit their counselor on a regular basis. Parents are also welcome to email or call the school counselors with any questions or concerns.
For more information please call:
Gulfport High School Counselors' Office