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Bullying and Social/Emotional Information

The Gulfport School District maintains a Social/Emotional Hotline that can be called at any given time. To anonymously report a bully, someone being bullied, or if you feel you just need someone to speak with you about a social or emotional situation call 228-896-2236. If someone does not answer, please leave a detailed message and a Gulfport School District employee will follow up with the message. 
The Gulfport School District is committed to creating and maintaining a physically, emotionally, and intellectually safe educational environment free from bullying, harassment or discrimination.

Bullying behavior is strictly prohibited, and students who engage in such behavior are subject to disciplinary action, which may include suspension or expulsion from school. The district’s commitment to addressing bullying behavior involves a multi-faceted approach, which includes education and the promotion of a positive school climate in which bullying will not be tolerated by students or school staff.