Our Commitments
From Small Seeds Grow Mighty Trees
English as a Second Language Departmental Expectations
We Commit To...
Serve our children in a multitude of capacities
Celebrate Growth
Facilitate communication for our scholars to survive and thrive
Foster inclusion and integrate our students into general population through opportunities within our schools
Hold students to high expectations to show what is possible.
Give our attention and create spaces of belonging
Be on time and be present for our children
Be an advocate to our students and parents
Communicate important school information and progress
Partner and inform General Education teachers about our scholars
Providing resources to empower our community
Create opportunities for engagement outside of the school setting for students and parents
Embrace each other and support our team members
Assume the best in our colleagues and give grace and mercy.
Address issues directly, in private and professionally
Intentionally make time to collaborate and peer review each other’s work to produce high quality products
Capitalize on one another’s strengths to improve the capacity of the team.
Constantly striving toward a true PLC model; sharing resources, peer observation and feedback.
Assisting one another in facilitating relationships and communication with our families.
Updated 7.30.2020